Freelance SEO Content Writers for Home Grown Brands

Frequently Asked
Copywriting Questions
Copywriting: What IS it?
Simply put, copywriting is using words to persuade the reader or listener to act.
Have you ever had to convince your significant other to go camping with you on the weekend instead of finishing that To-Do list?
You start out by reminding them of all the benefits of camping.
How relaxed they feel while they're camping.
How they love the smell of wood smoke in the morning.
And how rejuvenated they feel after a good camping trip.
Now that they're listening, you remind them of that new trail they wanted to hike featuring a boardwalk that winds close to the waterfall and ends by the lake.
And the weather is going to be perfect this weekend! You may not get another chance before the tourists inundate the place, so you better go this weekend.
Come on, let’s get packed!
That’s copy!
You persuade your significant other by highlighting the benefits to them – not you. Then you show them the enticing features. Finally, you give them a time frame in which to make their decision, and you call them to act.
The concept is simple. But mastering its many forms while managing your growing business is exhausting.
That’s why you have me, a freelance outdoor copywriter. I write the persuasive words that communicate your message to your clients in a way that gets them to act.
What does a copywriter do exactly?
What copywriters do exactly depends on the needs of your brand. But what every copywriter does is provide the words that persuade your customers to choose you.
So the "product" you would receive from me is the copy (written words) in the form of a google doc. Everything is already formatted. You just have to read it and let me know if there's a word or phrase that doesn't resonate with you.
I make any final adjustments, and then send you the final copy to you. You can then put into practice on your website, landing page, email, or social media ad.
I do not offer services like...​
Web design
Social Media Management
Managing the backend of your website
What does the process of working with a copywriter look like?
This process looks different among copywriters. But I always like to keep things as simple as possible, so that I respect your time. My job is to make your life easier not harder.
To that end, I make my process as painless as possible. Here's what each step looks like:
We have a discovery call (or email if you prefer): here's where you tell me your goals and needs.
After our call I craft a proposal that achieves your goals and email it to you.
You can either approve the proposal as is or communicate other needs you'd like to include.
Once we've settled on the scope of the project, I send you an invoice detailing the cost and deliverables along with my contract to sign. I do require 50% payment upfront for my services, and 50% due upon the approval of the final copy.
Once I receive a signed contract, I begin work.
I submit the final draft on the due date, for you to add your feedback.
Once you've edited the final draft, I apply the edits and preform any re-writing when necessary.
I send you the final copy
You love it!
You send me the final 50% payment.
Plan our next awesome job together!
It's that simple!
What Is SEO?
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. SEO is about making it easy for search engines - mainly Google - to find and index your site. And when you answer the most common questions that people are asking, then you make Google very happy. Then Google decides to send you more traffic.
Making it easy for Google to find and index your site could be the difference between clients finding you or finding the competition.
Think about your GPS. When you’re out adventuring and you find what might be a good future camping spot or maybe an island to check out later, you can put a waypoint on your map to remember it for future use.
Your GPS also tracks where you go and where you’ve been, and you can access that information easily because it places waypoints along the way.
Well, Google sends out little bots that crawl your website for useful information. When they find something useful, they index that information for later use just like how you plot a waypoint to remember a spot for later.
When you ask Google a question, the engine uses these indexes to search for the answer quickly.
When I write your SEO optimized website copy and blogs, I research frequently searched keywords and phrases that answer the common questions your ideal clients ask.
For a deep dive into SEO, check out But I'll tell you it's a deep, dark well that's hard to find your way out of once you repel down!
So when you need someone to turn on the light, I'm here for you.
What Is Website Authority?
Your website’s authority refers to how trustworthy your site is. A site’s score comes from measuring things like:
How many internal and external links does your website have?
Are you using keywords and SEO best practices?
Do you have high bounce rates? (That’s the number of visitors who come to your site, but immediately leave.)
Does your site post regular, quality content?
Your website authority builds over time as other sites link to you and as you post more and more quality content. When the search engines see that you keep answering inquiries for people, it starts to trust your site.
It’s kind of like when you meet some random person on a trek, and they just start talking to you.
At first, you wonder “why is this guy talking to me?” But he recommends a good campsite to you. That evening you actually camp at the site he told you about and find it to be a good one.
The next day you meet him coming back, and he tells you about a swimming hole that’s awesome, but a little off the trail.
Now earlier, you probably wouldn’t check it out. Luring someone off the trail is a little creepy. But you know that he provided you good information once, so you trust him again.
Then at the swimming hole, you meet other trekkers who met this same dude! They tell you that he actually lives here and knows all the good spots. Well, his credibility goes up some more 'cause he’s not just some random guy, but a local.
That’s all website authority is. It’s building credibility with your peers and clients through good SEO practices and quality content.
How Soon Will I See Results from SEO?
Seeing results from SEO takes time, and it varies based on what market you’re in. If you are in a field that people frequently search on Google, then you may see results quicker. Also you need to allow time for the Google bots to crawl and index your site.
The general rule is it takes 3-6 months to start seeing increased traffic from organic search results. From there - as long as you keep answering your clients wants, needs, and desires - your website traffic and authority continues to grow.
An easy way to answer your clients' wants needs, and desires is by having an SEO optimized blog. Blogs offer consistent, quality content that keeps your business relevant to your ideal clients.
Yes, SEO is a long term investment. But the benefits just keep growing. The blogs I write for you one month continue to bring people to your site for as long as you keep them up.
What are SERPs?
SERP stands for Search Engine Results Page. When you ask Google a question, Google used to answer with a page of the top 10 organic - not paid - results.
One of those 10 is typically the answer you wanted. If you didn’t find what you were looking for on page one, then you go back to the search bar and refine your search.
Here’s an important note: Nobody looks at the second page of Google’s results! So you want your website showing up on the first page of organic results.
And getting on that first page is getting harder. You might’ve noticed that I said Google used to show you the top 10 organic search results. They don’t do just that any more.
Now, we have:
Google Ads to compete with
"People Also Asked" section after the first few results
Image results
Video result
and shopping results too.
That first page of Google is getting really crowded!
You need to be sure Google can find the valuable information on your site, so it can show up on that first page of organic results when your customer searches for it.
Why do you charge a flat rate instead of by the word?
I get this question a lot...Honestly, it's just easier. I'm a simple writer who is bad at math. I don't want to waste my time computing how many more words I need to pay the bills. And frankly, that's not a good way to write. I've been there. Done that. And I write better without the stress of earning on my mind.
A flat rate works in both our favors. You get a consistent expense. I get a predictable income.
You don't have to worry about babysitting another timecard. I don't have to remember to punch one.
With a flat rate, I know what I'm getting paid, and you know you're getting excellent copy. (Be it long or short.)