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Hi, I'm 
Elon Jones

Freelance Outdoor Copywriter and Venturer 

Venturing prepared me to seek truth, fairness and adventure in our world, and my writing reflects that.


I have sailed ahead of storms off the Florida coast,

run miles on the white sand beaches of Cayo Costa,

backpacked through the Sangre de Christos,

canoed down the Peace River,

kayaked the roaring rapids of New River Gorge,

and explored the Lost World Caverns of West Virginia.


The great outdoors are my domain, and a new adventure is never far from my mind. So I write about it! 


Looking back, these experiences prepared me for the life of a freelance copywriter. When you go "a-yondering" — as my grandfather would say — you develop a self reliance and self assurance that you just don't get anywhere else.


I've been on many treks on land and sea with many different groups of people. What these experiences teach me is invaluable to me as a freelance outdoor copywriter. 


I learned independence at its core.​

You know what I'm talking about. That feeling of having no one to care for but yourself, and having no one to depend on but yourself. You've had your own experiences and — no doubt — have learned your own lessons from them.


I learned to be a self-starter.

I don't wait on others to get stuff done, and I don't need someone to tell me what to do next. I work 'til I finish the job.


I learned to be decisive

I don't need constant reminders or copious approvals to do things right the first time. I do my work to the best of my ability, and I expect others to do the same.


You might think that with this mindset of self-reliance and self-assurance, I would have trouble empathizing and working with others, but actually the opposite is true.


Through my expeditions — even though I had to rely on myself — I also worked with others. I got to see how they solved the same problems I had in a different way.

I learned respect and appreciation for others' opinions


These experiences shape me as the copywriter I am today because they made me a better communicator who listens to others and accepts feedback that they offer.


Most of my experiences — the good, the bad, and the ugly — I owe to the opportunities that the Boy Scouts offer. Yes, you read that right: the Boy Scouts.


My adventurous spirit exceeded the Girl Scout's expectations. I needed more — and in some cases less. I wanted risks and rewards that the Girl Scouts weren't willing to accommodate at that time.


So I joined the newly-formed Venturing Scouts, a co-ed branch of the Boy Scouts of America that focuses on high adventure skills and experiences. And oh man! The experiences we had!​


Our first big outing as a newly formed Venture Crew was kayaking to Cayo Costa, a small island that is only

accessible by boat.


We encountered two sharks, a pod of dolphins, and some rays. We swam in the waves until sunset, and then got eaten alive by sand fleas. But I loved it!


In subsequent years, we invited other crews to join us.

The event grew over the years until Boy Scout Magazine did a feature on it. Pretty cool!

When I can, I include photos with my freelance copywriting to add authenticity to the story like this Ray jumping out of the water at Cayo Costa.

After ocean kayaking, we joined our brother troop on a 50 mile primitive canoe trek on the Peace River. That trip taught our new group some valuable lessons about how to live with mother nature — even when she makes things difficult.

Experience is the best teacher! 


Then, out of the blue, my oral surgeon donated a sailboat to our adventurous cause. And the voyages of the Bloody Avenger began! She was an 18 foot Hobie Cat who had been to the races in her hay-day. I never flew the trapeze, but she gave us a high time sailing across the channel to Cayo Costa for several years. 

Any photos I include with my freelance copywriting is to add authenticity to my work. Stories are more believable when you back it up with visual proof like this picture of our beloved 18ft hobie cat "The Bloody Avenger"SailboatSunsetCayoCosta.jpg

From Florida's salty coast, the crew ventured up to West Virginia. There, I braved the white water of New River Gorge, explored Lost World Caverns, and backpacked from Spruce Knob. But the novelty for this Florida girl was rock climbing and repelling on real rock!


​All those adventures sound like all fun and games, but there was a lot of learning we did in preparation for these trips. 


Before our water voyages we each became Safe Swim certified, received our Small Boat Sailing License, and I even learned Celestial Navigation. 


Before our backpacking treks, we practiced Wilderness First Aid  and Leave No Trace principles. We learned orienteering with and without a compass as well as GPS assisted techniques to plot a course. We tested different outdoor cooking methods from cast iron Dutch ovens to box ovens and even scrambled eggs in a bag — they weren't bad either!


I learned how to prepare, budget, plan, and lead these treks and adventures.

​And that's what I do as your freelance copywriter.

During our 15 minute consultation, I...


  • learn your goals, your vision, and your needs,

  • put together a plan that suits your business 

  • and fit that detailed plan to your budget


My experiences taught me how to...


  • adjust to unforeseen circumstances,

  • solve unexpected problems  

  • empathize with others' perspectives

  • and reconcile different views and opinions.

There you have it! Freelance copywriting for outdoor brands allows me to use my self-assurance to be the self-reliant, adventure-seeking person I am.


And when you work with me, you aren't hiring another employee that you have to keep track of. You're hiring a professional, freelance copywriter. As such, I provide maximum value with thorough research and formatting, and I turn in edited work, on-time every time.


Are you ready to stop banging your head against a keyboard yet? 


You're 15-minute consultation is free and there's no obligation to hire me if we're not a good fit.

Now there's another lesson that's helped me as a freelance copywriter...

Adventures are more enjoyable with people who have common goals and values — and so is writing. 


Honestly, it's hard to write for brands whose goals and values clash with mine on a personal level. I end up writing sub-par copy that doesn't represent your business well. And that doesn't represent my business well.


I solve that problem with a test project.


We choose a topic for one blog. I write one blog. You pay for one blog. 


Upon delivering your blog, we decide if we work well together. It's that simple.


No long term contract. No high dollar investment. Just a test.

©2024 by Elon Jones Copywriting LLC. 

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